"The Book of the Sun" Chapter 3 -Map Distortions

AE MAPS (Azimuthal Equidistant projections), as used by flat earthers and by the United Nations in its official flag (shown above), are one of many ways of displaying the earth’s landmasses. The layout, extrapolated from the imaginary sphere, results from the misperception of the sun, and depicts the landmasses spreading outwards from the north pole at the centre (usually), rather than wrapping around the globe. The problem with this projection-type is not just the linear longitudinal expansion of the landmasses increasing with the distance from the centre, but also that the globe has the landmasses in the wrong place to begin with. And this is misplacement is transferred to the AE projections. The reason the landmasses are wrongly positioned on the globe, and hence on the AE maps, is the very same misperception of the sun and of how it illuminates.

According to the globe theory the longitudes that stretch from north to south pole uniformly illuminated by the sun during the equinoxes. But the sun does not fact illuminate the earth in accordance with that theory. This can be seen by anyone who bothers to check the data. It turns out longitudes are simply a projected gird system by which to plot locations according to their east-west distance from each other. This distance is determined in respect to the sun, which marks time, and with respect to the other luminaries, which also mark time, although predominantly at a slightly faster pace than the sun – approximately 4 minutes faster daily, expect for Venus and Mercury, which move slightly faster than the sun half time and slightly slower the other half, also described as retrograde motion.

The latitudes differ from longitudes in that they describe a north-south separation rather than east-west, and while the longitudes splay from the poles to the equator, latitudes remain equally spaced throughout; they are parallel to each other on the globe. Conversely, where the longitudes are of equal length, the latitudes grow smaller with distance from the equator, so their longest circumference is at the equator and their smallest circumference, at the poles. Thus, the equator itself is latitude zero and has the biggest circumference, and the poles are latitude 90 north and south have zero circumference.

When studying how the longitudes, also called meridians, were originally determined, the stories vary wildly depending on the given culture’s maritime history. Some will claim that celestial observations of conjunctions between planets and the moon helped them to determine their locations at sea, hence to the longitudes, while others claim observations of the stars, but glaringly obvious in some of the stories is the silence regarding the Sun. There’s even the story of how the first modern chronometer helped determine the longitudes – as if the Sun is not a good enough time-keeper, or as if the Vikings had never sailed seas, nor he Chinese, nor the Phoenicians, and let’s not forget those unruly loin-cloth wearing Polynesians who sailed from New Zealand to Hawaii, Alaska, Easter Island and Chile from millennia before the invention of chronometer. Let’s face it, the difference between any star being tracked at night over the oceans and the sun being tracked in the day over oceans is only two minutes in any 12-hour period.

The real demarcator of longitudes is now, as it always has been, the sun. Where the sun rises and sets at which time of year dictates the longitude, hence the use of astrolabes in navigation for hundreds of years before the introduction of the West of the magnetic compass and the invention of the sextant. However, chronometers used alongside sextants are necessary for translating the skies into a precise, spherical model of the world. The astrolabe, having been used by flat earthers effectively for hundreds of years, left too much room for interpretation, as it was based on a planisphere, so it was quietly dropped – even tough astrolabes perform essentially the same task as both the chronometer and sextant combined : Astrolabes allow their users to tell the time as well as perceived latitudes and longitudes.

But back to the sun. With the sun’s appearance and regularity being so perceptually constant, barring anomalies (more on these later), and the shape of the sphere having to reflect this constancy in the spherical models, the continents were arranged to match the time-difference in respect to the sun between one place and another on the equinoxes (12-hour day/12-hour night), which, as mentioned earlier, were believed to happen everywhere twice a year on the same day, in late March and September. Reality shows that this is just not true, and anyone can check for themselves. The so-called equinoxes happen on very different days within a period of between four of five weeks from ‘on the same day´. This day, by the way, is a period of around 48 hours – according to astronomy. Once the spherical grid was set, it was verified by comparing it with the time difference of the other celestial bodies, and because all of those are also individually consistent, the model was considered correct ( remember : they didn’t have gyroscopes at the time, nor electricity, but more on this later).

The time-difference between the appearance of the sun in West Africa and Eastern Brazil is approximately 70 minutes. With the earth-sphere rotating at 15 degrees per hour, the difference between the two is approximately 17°26’. The time-difference and hence the distance between these was not always 70 minutes – it used to be longer, but there are few remnants of evidence of this, other than centuries old globes or freemasonic buildings, and rarities like old paintings. Due to scarcity of available evidence, sceptics may claim, and justifiable so (from their point of view) that the globes decorating such buildings and paintings are wrong simply due to errors made by the artisans, and not because there really was longer time difference the appearance of the sun in West Africa and East Brazil. So, the depictions of longer distance them must be just an error. But when these same ‘errors` are found in old Atlases the sceptic’s claims become rather tenuous.

Regardless, the fact that Daylight Saving Time has been observed for period, then dropped for a aspell, then re-observed, then dropped again, several times in both South America and South Africa, should serve as a clue that something doesn’t quite gel with the sun and the longitudes in the south. In some cases, like Cape Town, not only was DST dropped, but there was correction of an extra hour when it was last observed. (At the time of writing there are resolutions being proposed by governing bodies like the European Union and the United Nations decreeing that the entire world phase out DST entirely in the coming years.)

Generally, the latitude-longitude earth grid works perfectly fine in theory. Now and then there’s a tweak – like with Cape Town and Argentina – or when it’s announced that GPS satellites are being re-calibrated due of slight changes of the geomagnetic field compounding over time (as if that, were it true, would warrant explanation of the public…). It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this is just not true, as the globe model’s geostationary satellites, the ones supposedly used for tracking locations, have fixed orbits based on their location relative to the earth’s surface and not relative to magnetism, daily, and down would come the idea-brick jenga-tower. Also, checking sailing speeds from Cape Verde to Salvador, Brazil shows some very peculiar things.

The distance between these on the globe is 1.959 miles and the time taken varies depending on various factors, but we can break it down to a voyage of generally 18 days. This gives an average speed of 4.5mph. That’s just a little faster than walking speed. With the true distance being closer to 8,000 miles the average speed is 18.5mph. This higher speed is much more likely, given the surface wind-speeds and ocean conditions in that region, and the fact that sailboats can travel up to 3 times faster than the wind, dependent on design, coupled with video-evidence of this journey showing a much faster speed than anything remotely like 4.5mph, the only logical conclusion is that the distance traveled is more likely to to be closer to 8,000 miles than the sphere’s 1,959.

As nobody used a measuring tape when crossing oceans, the distance traveled would be anybody’s guess if it wasn’t GPS which, as chance would have it, is controlled by NASA. But there is a simple way of testing to see which speed is more likely, 4.5mph or 18.5mph: land yachts (or beach- sailing buggies). These can be tested easily on land – and they have been. What speeds can they reach? 40+mph in winds much slower that that. Flight-records from Miami to Quito, and from Quito to Fort Worth, show the location of Quito to be some 27 degrees west of Miami when measured from Miami, and some 12 degrees west of its location on the globe’s longitudinal grid when measured from Miami, and correcting for magnetic declination. Quito’s pivotal location allows us to correct the placement of South America, which takes it farther from Africa and nearer to Australasia. The data on which this correction is based are both digital and physical compass readings, and these, unlike GPS data, are not bound to any mathematically constructed grid. This places Brazil at a distance from Cape Verde that much closer matches 8,000miles covered at the much more reasonable, true speed, averaging 18.6mph.

What about the size of the continents? How can we establish whether the continents ad their constituent nations are really the size stated in encyclopedias, atlases and other sources? After all, the major indicators that AE projections are wrong in the first place are the extra largeness of the southern lands, and if turned out that those lands really were as large as depicted in these AE maps, southern lands, and if it turned out that those lands really were as large as depicted in these AE maps, then it would mean simply that the encyclopedias, atlases, and suchlike had lied to cover this up. That’s not entirely implausible. To pull this off, all it would take would be for the lie hiding the shape of the earth to be just a little bigger than it already is. Expect that with land it's not a quite so easy. It is one thing to convince people that their land is larger or smaller than it is – because they can measure their land.

To hide extra ocean-distance, on the other hand, would be easy – all you’d have ot do is inform the world that ocean miles are a different length to land miles to blur the lines and then further diffuse those lines by stating that ocean traveling-speeds are slower than they really are and voila! Great success. You don’t have to be very far from the nearest coastline to lose sight of it, and with it, your frame of reference. Once you’ve lost that you have nothing other than the things in the sky; and the things in the sky move, so they make poor landmarks. Even landmarks in the distance and speeds under these circumstances would be easy, especially if nobody could really prove otherwise. Then all you’d do is make sure those details are taught in schools and there you go, people would believe it just like they believe Foucault’s gyroscope showed apparent drift. Distorting the landmass sizes would be much more difficult because people can measure the land, personally, and not only can they, but some actually do. These are surveyors, and they use feet and meters to measure acres and aren’t at all concerned with trying to match land-size to coordinates. So, it looks like the distortions are limited to the oceans.

But surely there is no organization, governing body or system so powerful as to effectively hoodwink the world into accepting any of this, right? If such a system of governance existed it would entail one so cunningly devised to deceive as to be practically immune to exposure, otherwise it would have been exposed long ago, as soon as it was discovered – unless it was so complex that anyone attempting to expose it to the rest of the society would just sound like a raving lunatic. Raving lunatics are usually removed from society by predominately benevolent arms of the law, which are there to keep order and civility. When lunatics are not removed by those arms they are usually shunned by society instead. Incidentally, ‘shun´comes from old Scottish: scon – to send over water, and the Dutch Schoen which became Schoon, the Schooner – a type of sail-ship. These terms all relate to water, which is also what the word Maritime refers to. Curiously, Maritime is also the law under which we live – the same law that removes the lunatic trying to alert people to the cunning tricks payed by the arms of the Maritime Law, referred to by the innocent as ‘the law of the land.’ And in all cases, Neptune wins.

Maritime Law, and that’s its big brother: The Postal Service. At this point it might appear to the reader like the book that was being read about the true shape of the earth has been switched with fantastical, absurdist story about possible enmities between the ocean and the land. Fear not, this is still that book, and at no point will inexplicable harlequin-acrobats summersault into the scene to distract. However, to explain how we can rest assured that the land and ocean sizes are correctly depicted in our map, the foundation must be laid to support the fact that the Postal Service is ultimately in charge of the land and knows the true size of the continents. To this end we must start at beginning.

From the book "The Book of the Sun" by Antonio Subirats

-The content of this article is protected by Copyright.
